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With our growing population, requirements are on the increase as well. To cater to our needs, Nature is always at the forefront - helping with air, water and food. And, of course, sheltering our huge habitation. But there is a limit to everything and over-exploitation destroys what’s left of the limited natural resources. 


This month’s issue will focus on environment - the kind that surrounds us and the other one within. Faith and environmentalism go hand in hand. So, Wisdom Quest’s May edition is entitled, ‘One with Nature’.  


Diving right into the wonderful write-ups by Noyonika, Utkarsh, Arunabh, Tribeni, Kashif and Dhanjit will make known the different yet necessary aspects of Nature - both human and environment. We also have two special interviews with PampEarth - an eco-friendly products company, and Rituraj Phukan - an environmentalist who journeyed to the poles. 


I hope we all inculcate a sense of well-being through this edition. Within and out! 


- Editor

One With Nature

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