I was just a toddler and I was supposedly very naughty. Mom would prop me up in bed with four pillows around me. She would hand me an A4 sized paper and a red-inked ballpoint pen. I would look up at her and she would look back sternly at me, "Write and don't get off the bed till I tell you to."
And I would write lines and lines of incoherence in red. Much later, by mom would show it around to other members of our joint family and proudly say with a smile, "Look at her straight lines on a blank page." That she said this, she told me much later when I was in middle school. Today, when I look back to those days of being punished, my heart fills with gratitude for my mother. If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't have had an interest in writing and composing. All the credit goes to her!